If for you Adult beverages are more than a pleasure, they are business. Register now.
Registration is free and guarantees entry to the fair and participation in some lectures, tastings and visits.
With advance registration, you don't have to wait in line, and access is easier and faster.
If you are a buyer and looking for suppliers with differentiated products, good prices and quality. Visit the fair, participate in the business rounds for free, talk to our sommelier and cachacier and come and do some good business. Make contacts that will help you better develop your project, your establishment, and increase your networking.
Registration and participation for industry professionals is free.

If you don't live in the city of São Paulo and need quality accommodation. Count on our partner Estancorpp and enjoy special conditions at hotels:
- Estanplaza Ibirapuera – Av. Jandira, 501 – Moem
- Estanplaza Paulista – Alameda Jaú, 497 – Cerqueira César
- Pulso hotel – Henrique Monteiro, 154 - Pinheiros
For reservations:
Email: reservas@estanplaza.com.br
Telephone:+55 (11) 3059-3277

Agência de turismo

VoeTur Turismo, the official travel agency of the CachaçaTrade Fair, offers rates and travel and accommodation packages with special conditions for exhibitors and visitors to the fair.
Tel: (11) 2050-1050, option 3
Al. Santos, 415 – 13th floor01419-913, São Paulo - SP